Our real-time edits enforce compliance to CMS (formerly HCFA) policy significantly reducing costly rejects. The Medicare claims are thoroughly and effectively processed, with adjudication taking place within a secure and efficient environment. Assignments are accepted by pharmacy or patient and payment is remitted to pharmacy, corporate office, or patient.
Process your Medicare DME claims point-of-sale using the pharmacy system just like any other on-line third party.
The Visual Pharmacy Plus™ software provides pharmacies a convenient and thorough method for billing Medicare claims point-of-fill through the Visual Pharmacy Plus™ software eliminating the need for additional costly software.
The Medicare claims are thoroughly and effectively processed.
- Assignment accepted by pharmacy or patient and payment remitted to pharmacy, corporate office, or patient.
- Coordination of benefits handled whether Medicare is the primary or secondary insurer. Other insurance amounts automatically reported to participating secondary insurer.
- Each claim is processed at the point-of-fill and the complete claim is captured:

- Doctor NPI, DEA, UPIN number and demographic verification.
- Patient ID and demographic verification.
- Product coverage and automatic modifier determination.
- MAC price, minimum/maximum quantity verification.
- Diagnosis code to product verification.
- Coordination of Benefits, and patient/pharmacy assignment.
- Refill too soon and patient annual deductible verification.
- Automatic quantity conversions from pharmacy to CMS standards.
- Non-covered items may be submitted when required by state medicaid.
- Date Spanning compliance enforced on diabetic and enteral supplies.
- Backend Research & Resubmit service available to all providers.
- After your claim has passed the extensive edit checks, a response is instantly returned to your system.
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